A WPC decking backyard or patio not only provides a terrific area for cooking, relaxing, and entertaining but also enhances aesthetic value to the house. Experienced in WPC research and development, Wallong can provide WPC decking products with attractive appearance and finest quality.
Learning how to keep WPC decking looking new is necessary for every decking user. Although composite decking is well known for its characteristic of low maintenance and requires less upkeep than wooden boards, it is far from "carefree." Several precautions need to be paid attention to when keeping the WPC decking in good condition. Following are some suggestions to assist you in maintaining the composite decking effectively and making your WPC decking look great every day.
Select and Use the Right Cleaner
Selecting the right cleaning product can, to a certain degree, reduce your maintenance cost and save your effort in cleaning. The surface of the composite decking appears solid. Still, it is rather porous, necessitating the use of oxygenated cleaner capable of reaching deep into the inside material and cleaning the surface of the WPC composite decking. While purchasing a cleaner, carefully read the instructions. Do not purchase the deck cleaning product with the chemical “Chlorine Bleach,” which will penetrate your WPC outdoor decking and cause corrosion. Consequently, it will discolor the composite decking, ruining the surface and worsening mildew/mold issues. Therefore, selecting and choosing a chlorine bleach-free, sodium percarbonate-based cleaning product, or using homemade cleaner is important to avoid the risky mistake.
Adopt Gentler Washing Approach for Your Deck
Generally speaking, a gentler cleaning way is ideal for composite decking since pressure washing may cause damage when not operating correctly. If you must use a pressure washer, it is recommended to use a household pressure washer with the lowest pressure and keep no closer than 25cm away from the decking. Since WPC composite decking is not as hard as real wood, it may be “scratched” easier than wood, causing mold stain in the opening, which will be incredibly difficult to remove and clean. Therefore, a garden hose should be good enough for regular cleaning in most circumstances.

Gaps Cleaning is Also Important
If you want to keep mold from forming beneath the WPC outdoor decking, you should pay attention to the decking surface’s regular cleaning and, most importantly, the gaps cleaning. Dirt and debris can accumulate over time, and the moisture collecting in the air can create an ideal growing environment for mildew and mold. To prevent mildew and mold from destroying the decking and extend the service life of the WPC decking, it is recommended to clean up the spaces between the deck boards regularly, keep the deck dry and allow air circulation between the decks.
Is it any way to clean and restore your composite decking without hurting your deck? The answer is positive. A little maintenance and cleaning can easily refresh your composite decking and maintain the aesthetic and utility of your deck. You can even prepare some soap, vinegar, and water to make your homemade decking cleaner. Here are some easy steps to clean and restore your composite decking.
Step 1: Remove all the stuff on the deck to ensure a smooth cleaning process.
Step 2: Sweep the dirt and debris and ensure no leaves on the floor before spraying water.
Step 3: Spray the deck with warm water and remove as much surface mold as possible with your hose.
Step 4: Gently scrub with soapy water using a soft bristle brush. For mold removal, it is recommended to use vinegar mixed with water to pour directly on the mold.
Step 5: After scrubbing and cleaning the deck with a brush, you should rinse the composite decking thoroughly. This step is significant and is the last step that cannot skip. Rinsing the WPC decking thoroughly can prevent a thin coating on the composite surface.